Dove e quando
2019-01-18 | sala Conferenze del Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Specialità Mediche Vle Benedetto XV, 6 piano terra
Si rende noto che il giorno venerdì 18 gennaio 2019 alle ore 14:00, presso la Sala Conferenza del DIMI - Vle Benedetto XV, 6 16132 Genova - piano terra avancorpo, si terrà la seguente presentazione:
"Integrative analyses to define genetic determinants of cancer immune responsiveness"
Prof. Davide Bedognetti
Head, Cancer Immunogenetics Lab
Director, Tumor Biology, Immunology and Therapy Section
Immunology, Inflammation, and Metabolism Department Sidra Medicine
Associate Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU).
Head, Cancer Immunogenetics Lab
Director, Tumor Biology, Immunology and Therapy Section
Immunology, Inflammation, and Metabolism Department Sidra Medicine
Associate Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU).